We’re right in the middle of Easter break here, and March has gone by without me really noticing. So I thought I’d at least tell you that I’m still alive and well, and show you some of today’s pictures. I do have a new camera. I really love it, I have wanted a digital SLR for ages but we’re still getting acquainted. So, Easter pictures:
This is an Easter basket my son put together. A friend of his and her family made the eggs and the bunny (not a fox, a bunny) from salt dough, and he helped painting them.
The traditional hefezopf that I make every year. And like every year ever since we got the new oven it was just a little too dark. But this year I’ll put a note in the cook book so that I’ll remember next time I make it.
View into our backyard. Interestingly there was no snow at Christmas. Egg hunt this year was indoors again.
Closeup of the big maple in our yard.
I have to say I really hope the weather will be more spring-like soon. We have already run out of wood for the wood stove, and it’s about time.
Regardless of the weather I am really looking forward to another week of no work. I plan to go to Augsburg one day to see the textile museum, and I also plan to write and write and write, and tell you all about that soon.
Bei uns hat es heute auch den ganzen Tag geschneit. Aber spätestens Ende April, wenn das traditionelle Tschernobyl-Hoch kommt, wird es wärmer werden. Ganz bestimmt.
Viel Spaß in Augsburg! Trink mal ein Hasenbräu für mich mit.
Frohe Ostern & liebe Grüße,
Mhh, den Hefezopf könnte ich auch mal wieder machen … Ich hoffe, ihr habt auch in dieser Woche noch ein paar erholsame Tage und könnt euch entspannen! Und irgendwann verschwindet auch der Schnee und ihr dürft euch wieder über den Heuschnupfen freuen. 😉