Still alive and doing reasonably well. I did take a nice (or not so nice) new picture every day, and now I’m a bit fazed by the task of uploading and sorting and such. I will do it some time in the near future, I promise, but not today.
Last week was near perfect, I spun, and knit, and cooked, and read, and thought about projects, and even exercised.
Now I’ll bake a cake, give myself a pedicure, knit some more, and who knows, maybe I’ll even sew myself a nice sundress out of a curtain to wear to a brunch tomorrow so that – rather than feeling like a fat, badly-dressed idiot – I’ll feel like a fat, eccentric idiot who is fun to be with.
This – of course – is entirely reasonable and doable since it’s only afternoon by now.
See you.
i wanna see the sundress!