I’ve been thinking a lot about losing weight and changing habits these past days. I even read one personal weight loss story book (“Der Kilo-Killer: Ein Jahr im Schlankheitswahn), and one book about self-motivation (“So zähmen Sie Ihren inneren Schweinehund!”). Since Thursday.
That’s a very common pattern with me, I feel lost, I want to change something, I buy a book. Only this time I’m quite proud of myself because I didn’t buy the books but got them from the library. And I’m glad that I did because while they did help me with the thinking I don’t need to have them here to look things up or anything.
Anyways, I decided to set some goals for November, and so I made another list. For the next week (maybe longer) I will:
- only eat at mealtimes. That is: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner.
- exercise at least three times a week for at least 30 minutes. Walking while doing errands doesn’t count.
- play guitar or piano for at least ten minutes a day.
- post on my blog 3 times a week.
- write at least 100 words of fiction every day.
- meditate every day for at least 10 minutes, and write morning pages.
I’m very tired of thinking about food and being fat all the time. And I’m not even sure if I want to do something to lose weight. So the first goal is my attempt at minimizing the energy I’m spending on thinking about eating. Also it’ll minimize mindless stuffing of food into my mouth.
I know that 30 minutes of exercise three times a week doesn’t sound much. But it’s doable. And by not specifying what I will do I leave room to just go for a nice walk if I’m not motivated to do “real” exercise. By the way, since setting that goal two days ago I already have been going on walks twice.
Playing guitar or piano for ten minutes a day likewise really isn’t much. But I know from experience that I do much better with setting small goals so that I don’t feel like a failure. Often when I sit down to play I will play longer than ten minutes. Actually, once I have started I often enjoy myself very much. Getting myself to sit down and start playing, on the other hand, is quite hard.
I have been struggling with writing on my blog. I feel that three times a week is about the perfect frequency for me both as a blogger and as a reader.But often I spend so much time on the net reading that I don’t sit down to actually write down the blog posts that are floating around in my head.
It’s time for NaNoWriMo again, and it does make me kind of sad to not participate this year. On the other hand I’m also really relieved that I’m not doing it this year. So this is like my “Ersatz-NaNo”. I’m using the same kind of energy to get some writing done.
The last point is something I have been doing for years but I found myself slipping, and skipping more often. So I’m re-installing this habit.
Of course I’m writing this to make myself accountable. You, my dear readers, are the ones who will be helping to keep me on track. I’m doing this because next week will be fall break (yeah, I know there are a lot of breaks around here) which will give me about two additional hours in the day to do what I want.
I’ll tell you how it went at the end of next week. Anything you want to accomplish? You can post your goals in the comments, or on your blogs and I’ll link to them.
Just maybe it will be easier to make, and to keep to, your changes, if you think of them as involving a day-to-day schedule, not representing idealistic or lofty goals. Then they may be more a matter of simple routine, like brushing your teeth.
In any event, good luck.
I am with You for the exercises! I will go two times a week (and just having started, I only manage two times…). But I will read here in your blog (and maybe ask) how the exercises go. (You can ask me too, if You want.)
I´m changing some habits too. I tried to change more things at the time but think it is a lot easier to focus on one goal. And when this one is going, to focus on the next. For reaching the brushing-your-teeth-routine it will take a bit time. But if we reach this, habits will really change.
Good luck, Pia Pessoa
PS: Mein Englisch zu verbessern steht nicht auf meiner Liste, bitte entschuldige das Gestammel.
I need to get back on the exercise thing, too.
It was nice to read this–I’ve been struggling with the same stuff, like weight loss, and have been wanting to write down some goals to make myself more accountable, too. I hope this week goes well!
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.