Today I’m having Monday thoughts and Monday plans again.
Kindergarten started again after three weeks of being closed, but school (and my teaching) is still out until the midst of September. Of course this is the time I have been waiting for for weeks now. Home with my husband sans child.
And now I find myself having Monday thoughts. You surely know them. The plans of cleaning the whole house, and losing about ten pounds ’till the end of the week, and get everything done that you haven’t done for the past months. The “Today I won’t eat any sugar”-promises, and the mental list that involves grocery shopping, and making calls, and crafting, and making music, and taking a shovel and clean out my son’s room, and spend quality time with my husband, and write another novel, and two blog posts until four in the afternoon.
The “today’s the day I get a grip on my life” thoughts. That kind of thoughts and plans that I have every Monday. And somedays on Saturdays too. And on days in between.
And if I’m not careful with these thoughts and plans I may be end up where I mostly end up on Mondays, I sit in front of the computer, telling me that the windows need cleaning too, and that I can’t do it all today, and that I need a little time to relax, and then I turn around, and it is four, and I scramble to pick up my son, and then I wait for the day to end, and then I get frustrated, and spend the evening eating too much while drinking beer in front of the TV.
So, I have called the chimney sweeper, and meditated, and written morning pages, and done the kitchen twice, and cooked lunch (For the first time in month I might add, many thanks to my patient husband for cooking for me all that time.), and bought a present for my nephew’s upcoming birthday, and thought about the story I want to write for the next meeting of my writing group, and changed the covers on the guest bed, and read 36 blog posts, and have written comments, and thought about what to spin next, and which spindle to use, and whether I should ply the singles I already spun, and talked with my husband a bit, and ordered some things online, and looked on itunes whether I can re-load the four songs that I bought but didn’t back up before my hard drive crashed, and made a note of two ideas for blog posts, and mailed the letter to m friend, and bought two more stamps for the next two letters to her (because she lives in Austria and that requires more postage than sending letters to Germany).
If that’s the only things I get done today I’ll feel rotten for sure.
Now I have exactly 70 minutes left before I have to pick up my son. I think I might go for a walk. At least that’s a bit of exercise, isn’t it?
How was the beginning of your week? I bet it was more interesting than mine.
I think everyday starts out with the “today’s the day I get a grip on my life” thoughts.
I discourage myself by failing every day to do so.
I got up.
cooked breakfast.
got teh girls ready to go over to a friends.
went to therapy.
went to the gym
put up a post
went to get girls
came home…made dinner
What I will be doing mostly, for the next ten days, is watering grass seed. It literally takes all day to get it all wet in twenty minute intervals.
What a wonderful day. I stayed up till 1:30 Sunday evening and had to get up early the next morning to finish an essay. I returned home early from University, made the bed, cleaned the kitchen, took some spring photos took the dogs for a walk, did not attend my new exercise class, had a fight with F about having to go to a friends Birthday dinner, went to the dinner and sulked came home, made up with F and gratefully crawled into bed 🙂
Walking is good. A long walk is great. A long walk with a friend is excellent. No, can’t say things are any more interesting up here. I’m actually looking forward to the kids being back in school and things becoming more normal.
walking is great, i have taken up cycling again as well especially now i have a little seat for my daughter. I wont be able to get anything done until oliver is back at school i have decided it just isnt possible