Sorry, I’m not in a good blogging place these days. That Isn’t because I don’t have anything to blog about, or because I tried to escape so much, but because there is all this pesky life coming between my blogging and me. My son will be turning five tomorrow, which means cake and presents for breakfast, then bringing wiener and pretzels to kindergarten. Also the kindergarten Christmas party is on the same day, in the afternoon. Which means bringing spring rolls, guitars, and husband to kindergarten in the afternoon. Only to dash back early so my husband can teach yet more students. And then, on Tuesday, I have the – shudder – birthday party for my son’s friends. A pirate-themed birthday party. Merely shopping, and wrapping, and decorating for Christmas pales next to this.
So, I have wanted to write about a lot of things, and I have wanted not to leave you with that last post for so long, well, it hasn’t happened.
A few days ago Joanna tagged me with a “seven things about me” meme. There are the following rules:
The Rules
Link to your tagger, and also post these rules on your blog.
Share 7 facts about yourself (random or weird) on your blog.
Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
Let them know they are TAGGED by leaving a comment on their blog.
Well, usually I do follow rules but don’t you find it awkward to see someone tagging you in your comments? Say, you’re writing a post about something not that happy and shiny and somebody has to leave a comment like, “How sad, and by the way, you’re tagged.” Um. But first, 7 random things:
- I have been so afraid of turning people away by turning this into a knitting blog that I haven’t written about anything I have finished since September or so. Though I have taken pictures. By that I probably have turned people away who have found my blog through ravelry. (Ravelry is a site where people who knit or crochet hang out and share their patterns, knitting progress and such.)
- I just signed up for my first knit-a-long. Like about a thousand other people in the world I will be knitting a lace stole from January to March. Each week we will be receiving the next part of the pattern. So we don’t know how it will look like in the end. I already decided to make this as a present for somebody.
- I have made three attempts at doing the “my man”-meme I lifted of flutter’s blog. But I just can’t seem to get myself to do it. The whole thing consists of about a hundred questions like “Who’s the smarter one?” “Who is singing better?” I didn’t know that marriage was supposed to be about one being better than the other. The “Who is smarter?”-question has had me thinking for weeks now.
- I just realized that the thing I really need for the holidays is a very classy and elegant turtleneck sweater. Maybe with a matching cardigan. Made out of wool. Thick wool would be even better. Because I do have festive clothes, only it’s too cold for all of them.
- I’m always cold. Right now as I’m typing this I am wearing: long johns, jeans, two pairs of socks (one woolen and one not), felt slippers, an undershirt, a tee, a merino turtleneck and a fleece jacket. Sometimes I take off clothes when I have to leave the house. Because outside I’m not sitting around all the time. I even own fingerless woolen gloves for teaching. Indoors teaching. (And it shows 20 degrees Celsius in here.)
- When I went to the hairdresser last week (of course I went after the celebratory NaNoWriMo-dinner, my timing is good like that) I realized that it had been almost half a year since the last time. Suddenly I knew why somehow my hair hadn’t been to my liking lately. The problem hadn’t been to make the time to go to the appointment, the problem had been to make the phone call…
- This year I skipped the Advent decorations almost completely. I bought an Advent wreath which sits on our kitchen table and that’s it. Since I have more younger students again I have been playing Christmas songs since the beginning of November. Daily. Like “Jingle Bells”. (“F sharp. – No, F sharp. – That’s G sharp. Play F sharp. – No, F sharp! And now C sharp in your left hand.” Somehow I just don’t feel like singing them under the Christmas tree anymore.
So, a really interesting bunch of facts, isn’t it? Or not. You know I still have a cake to bake that I will carve into something resembling a pirate ship, and practice “smoke on the water” and “silent night” on the guitar.
In my head there is a really beautiful birthday letter to my son, and an answer to Julie’s comment on my last post. And I went to a real rock concert last week. I saw the “Pretty Things”.
So all that is left now is to tag 7 people. Argh. That is a lot of bloggers. Who might be a bit busy these days too. Well, I’ll do it anyways and anyone who wants to do it on top of them, go ahead.
I’m tagging De, Liv, Capacious, Lia, crazymumma, Jen, and Denguy.