So while I had a pretty tired day yesterday I also managed to stay on track mostly. Yeah!
I even managed to spend the time that we were waiting for the firewood to arrive well, I did the dishes and then sat down to practice Chinese. Right in the middle of my speech practice the doorbell rang but I didn’t mind.
My husband and I started stacking the wood right away. We decided to leave the boy out of it because he would probably still feel awful after his shots. And we were right. He complained about his arms hurting a lot but did not have a fever or anything.
All the places where we usually store firewood were already filled with the remains of the maple but we got creative. There is now a second row of logs next to the garden shed (which is not a shed but instead the back of the garage), the empty rain barrels in the garage are filled with wood to the brim and in the basement right next to the freezer there is more wood.
I think it took us about 90 minutes to stack everything? Not sure. Then I ordered Chinese takeout, this time I did remember to both mention the reusable bowls when ordering and return the ones we still had at home when picking our food up. The note in the kitchen drawer that holds the phone number of the Chinese restaurant and our usual order now also has „remember reusable bowls“ in big letters at the bottom.
Oh yes, we have a stack of notes in that drawer saying things like „please hang up laundry“ or „remember your insurance card“ and „water“ for when the boy goes to uni so he doesn’t forget his water bottle. Now we only need to work on putting the notes back in drawer after having done the task.
So, lunch was spring rolls first:
And fried noodles with chicken next:
After that I only had a very short break in which I ran off to take a quick shower. Ah!
Taught my students including the two new ones and it was a delight. The last student canceled, a lot of people are sick at the moment. Oh, and the covid numbers in the waste water are rising. Huh.
I then wanted to do all the things but was too tired. The windows guy canceled so I had a free evening. While I was sitting there, eating dinner, playing silly games and scrolling through social media the rest of the family drifted in and out of the kitchen again. I did the dishes way later than I wanted, did Duolingo, watched an episode of „Storm Eye“ and got ready for bed on time. Woot.
„Storm Eye“ is in that weird place where there is always a lull. It has 40 episodes, I’m on number 23 and it feels as if they are floundering, not quite knowing where the story should go next. One of the more interesting villains was killed off, they introduced another way more sinister villain (very good-looking guy) and now we’re basically waiting for things to happen. Which might take some time.
This morning went exceptionally well, there is definitely something to be said for getting enough sleep. The day will be full but manageable. I hope.
My mother-in-law is expected back home, I will do the supermarket run, want to wash a load of laundry mostly because we managed to do two loads without including any of the boy’s pajamas, and yes, I definitely need to mend the pajama pants of his on the mending pile.
So I think this will be a good day, at least I am feeling optimistic.