I got enough sleep again and also did the complete morning routine. Then breakfast with my husband. I managed to do everything on my list with the exception of refilling two fountain pens. I also cut my husband’s hair so I don’t have a problem with that.
I went for a walk at noon wearing Five Fingers. I’m trying to build my foot muscles back up in the hopes that at one point in the future I can quite wearing orthotics. The weather was freezing and gray but I loved walking through the woods anyway.
My husband had had a super busy morning himself and then tried to cook lunch on the wood stove which meant it took ages. Luckily, Monday is one of the days where we both start teaching a bit later.
I also took my shower before lunch and then ate my food all clean:
My last student canceled so I used that time to play a bit of piano. After that I wanted to eat dinner but found that we were almost out of bread so I pulled some rolls out of the freezer and ate my weight in cheese while waiting for those to be all crisp and warm.
I played all the silly iPad games, had great plans to watch C-drama but instead spent all the time just sitting there. I also watched quite a bit of the course I’m currently taking, so that was at least marginally productive.
Then I started writing this post, did Duolingo and my foot exercises and went to bed.
I’m still waffling if I should finish reading the gay hockey romance I’m currently a bit more than halfway through. I would actually have preferred the book to have come to a conclusion by now. The two of them are happy and together and now it’s pages and pages of „I’m not worthy and what if I turn out to be an asshole like my father“ over and over. Very tiring. I even started reading „Fox of Fox Hall“ in the morning and can already tell that that book will be way more fun. Oh, and I am continuing to slog through „War and Peace“. I mean, the characters are growing on me but I just started part 2 of book 1 and have been thrown into a completely different kind of setting.
Today will be a bit weird overall, I have to leave now for my MRI, so that will be something different. It’s not my first one and I know I’ll be fine, but still. Having the polarity of all my hydrogen altered and then pop back is a pretty strange thought.
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