After going to bed a little late, again, I woke up from the alarm and actually got moving right away.
I wrote morning pages, then decided that instead of writing new fiction words I needed to read through everything I had at that point. So I spent most of my writing time getting the manuscript on my e-reader and started reading a bit.
For the first time in I don’t know how long I actually did the complete morning routine. This time that involved doing yoga next to my husband tending the fire and meditating while he was nearby as well. I even measured my blood pressure for once and was almost shocked when it was completely normal!
I did the usual morning things, and then my husband and I walked to the supermarket together. It was not as busy as I had expected on a Saturday morning but it was still pretty busy and maneuvering two people and a cart through is harder than doing it alone. Nevertheless it was nice, even though we spent the whole way there and back bickering.
The bickering went on until we finally realized that what we needed was food and rest. We ate eggplant, red beans and fake ground beef with rice:
Then I talked with the boy a bit, took a break, did the breakfast dishes, cleaned the washbasin and toilet in my bathroom and then sat down to set up the new month in my bullet journal. This month will be super busy. There are doctor’s appointments and I want to take a course (or two) and crochet and write and do all the things.
After that I had to hurry to be in time for my online writers group meeting where I told everyone about my exciting goals and lists and journals and such, up to a point where some of the others, who were in the US and had just gotten up, felt like they needed to get back to bed. Ultimately, I hope it was more inspiring than tiring.
I had to leave the meeting early so I could watch an episode of ‚Columbo‘ with my husband and the boy. I liked the episode very much even though it had a bit of drag in the second half. And after that I watched a YouTube live call for the publishing course I’m taking.
I ended up dozing off at times, it had been a full day up to that point.
Then I did Duolingo, started writing this post, did a few foot exercises and went to bed.
Today should be less packed, I need a bit of rest.
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