I went to bed half an hour late but slept well and woke up from the alarm at 6.30. I was a bit slow but managed morning pages, some new word of fiction and yoga. Yeah for yoga. I was hurting everywhere from working on the boy’s bed the evening before.
My original plan had been to go to the supermarket but I was just too exhausted and overstimulated for that so I switched things around and did some cleaning and dealt with laundry. My husband was making pizza while I was vacuuming around him and we didn’t start to fight anyway. Lunch was very tasty:
After lunch I talked with the boy and played silly games and then I spontaneously started mending my husband’s sweater. It had been sitting in the mending pile for years until he freed it earlier this month. Since then he has worn it constantly until it became clear tat the huge hole in the left sleeve was growing more and more.
So I started watching a video about how to mend this kind of hole, found that I had opinions about the way the YouTuber was attaching the patch to the sides of the hole and especially about her – extremely wrong – way of doing Kitchener stitch on the top. Found the rest of the (handspun) yarn I had used for this sweater, looked at my Ravelry database for the size of needle I had used and started knitting the patch. I knitted the sides together with the existing stitches which looks a bit wonky right now but I’m hoping it will even out after washing:
And this is how it looked after:
It’s clear that the fabric is thicker on the patch and in person the difference between the fresh yarn of the patch and the often worn and washed sweater is more marked but still I’m pretty happy with it.
I’m not quite sure what to do about the inside of the hole, there is still quite a bit of fabric in there around the hole.
Then I started teaching, used a big break between students to mail a letter and a package and hang up a load of laundry. Two more students, then the boy and I did bodyweight training even though we were all achy and weak, then I ate leftover pizza for dinner, fell into an iPad game hole while eating half a bar of chocolate, did Duolingo, started writing this post, watched some C-drama while crocheting and drinking another alcohol-free beer and went to bed.
And now off to a new month!
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