That was a jam-packed day.
I implemented my new sleep protocol, turned the lights out at 10.30 and slept all the way through to 6.30, yeah! Then I did not pick up my phone (other than to quickly check email, shh), wrote morning pages and a few new fiction words. Then I got chided by my husband for not turning the radiators off before going to bed, he left in a huff without building a fire and I was thrown off course for a bit.
By then it was too late for yoga again but husband and I talked and ate breakfast before I had to leave for my ENT doctor’s appointment at 9.15.
The doctor’s office was buzzing because it’s peak respiratory infection season. First I was to get a hearing test but it turned out my right ear needed cleaning first so I waited for the doctor, told her my whole dazzling story of dizziness, got my ear cleaned and then went back to get my hearing tested. And there I waited. And waited some more with an open door to the reception area with its stream of new patients. At one point I head an assistant tell someone she’d give him a hearing test soon, and then they said that she had forgotten about me.
But they remembered. And administered the test with three or four interruptions. And it’s pretty clear that my left ear is quite a bit worse than my right. That is the ear where I had sudden hearing loss ten years ago. I knew there was damage but not how much.
The I got led into a different room for a test for dizziness. I went through several different tests where they try to provoke dizziness by different methods. I was slightly woozy all the way but there was only one moment where I had that sudden feeling that the chair under me was moving sideways.
I waited some more before seeing the doctor again. So. It’s not quite clear what’s going on but she said my equilibrium organ seems to be lazy. I got a referral for an MRI of the head and orders to make another appointment for a more detailed hearing test. That will be in April.
And then I was extremely proud of myself because on my way back home I walked by the radiologist’s and made an appointment for Tuesday. Which in turn meant I needed to move my optician’s appointment from Tuesday to Wednesday. Phew.
I went by the supermarket for a few things we were out of and some extra chocolate and went back home to arrive 3 1/2 hours after leaving the house.
My husband had been super busy the whole time and we still managed to eat on time. But first I had to throw the boy out of bed. He was almost too late for meeting his thesis advisor.
Lunch was capellini and pesto with a mixed salad:
I had a short break and then decided to do the dishes before teaching.
I taught my first student, then had a one-hour break that I used to answer some messages and then I tried figuring out how to finish setting up my newsletter account. In the end I caved and just emailed support. Which worked beautifully, I have now finished that one step that I started in November.
The next student was feeling under the weather so I taught her online, the one after that had to cancel because of work, so I started watching a bit of a webinar from the night before. By then the boy had been back home and told me all about it while I was eating an early dinner.
Then there was my last student of the day after which I joined the rest of the family in the attempt to put together the boy’s new slatted frame for his bed. And that took so much time that only had an hour left before I needed to get ready for bed.
So I started writing this post and did a bit of Dullingo and made a list for today and that was it.
Now do I go grocery shopping today? Or tomorrow?
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