And I didn’t get enough sleep yet again, ahem. So, there were morning pages and new words of fiction and then we had cake for breakfast, yum.
My husband didn’t want to do anything special on his birthday this year, apart from the cake and some champagne in the evening. He went for a run and I went for a walk, he made lunch and I even managed to take a shower before eating. Lunch was rice and dal:
The boy even showed up and we spent all the time I had between lunch and teaching talking about the upcoming elections and different political parties. Interesting but not the best choice of topic for my after lunch break.
The I taught only five students who were all delightful, one of them even showed up in a wheelchair. They had had foot surgery the week before. I was surprised they were fit enough to go to lessons. Well, they were waning a little at the end…
Then I started writing this post, did Duolingo, had dinner with the rest of the family, we opened a bottle of champagne, I watched a (very silly) Inspector Barnaby episode and went to bed.
Today I need to get a move on, busy day ahead.
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