Because I’m pressed for time again. You know, on a Sunday.
Yesterday went pretty well up until the point where I just didn’t go to bed and now I’m sitting here with that mess. I don’t think my brain will come completely online all day.
The nice things yesterday were my walk, pasta e fagioli for lunch:
Then a nice long break (publishing tasks, what publishing tasks?), a Zoom meeting with my weekly writer’s group (fittingly we were talking about procrastination), watching Columbo with my family where I started a new blanket because I had finished the one I was working on:
(It still needs a wash and block.) Then I watched C-drama, then YouTube, then I went on social media, then I started playing silly iPad games, then I finished reading the novel I was on and started the next in series (Jordan L. Hawk’s „The Pride“-series) and then somehow it was today and I went to bed late, late, late.
So, today everything will go much, much better, never mind that I already skipped yoga. Shh!
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