I overslept a little, wrote morning pages, skipped the rest of the routine and then spent most of the morning waiting for the chimney sweep. He was supposed to show up between 9 and 11 and came smack in the middle at 10.
I had one of those super paralyzed mornings until my husband reminded me to take a walk. Which helped. And I managed to take a shower before lunch:
That is chicken breast with rice and black beans.
After that it was all teaching all afternoon. Just before we finally got the new glass teapot I had ordered. Or so I thought. After unwrapping the formless blob of bubble wrap and pieces of cardboard it turned out that the package from Romania contained – the wrong glass pot that was way too big.
Thanks to Amazon I got a refund and didn’t even have to figure out how to repack the whole thing. On the other hand I am now the proud owner of a huge glass pot that I don’t need.
I ordered a replacement from elsewhere because that Romanian seller was the only one offering it on Amazon and judging by the reviews I wasn’t the only one having problems with them. I mean, mistakes can happen but there were a lot of bad reviews.
After teaching I helped the boy with an email to a professor, then we did bodyweight training. I was still sore all over from Monday, unfortunately.
Then I finally ate dinner, talked with both the boy and my husband, sat there playing solitaire while eating chocolate for too long, then started writing this post while helping the boy with another email (the professor had already answered), made myself a cup of tea and then I should have gone to bed but I watched some C-drama instead.
And now I’ll talk to my doctor about dizzy spells. Fun for everyone involved for sure!
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