I did get enough sleep, though…
Again I wrote morning pages and new fiction words (not a lot of those) but skipped yoga and meditation. This time my excuse was that it was freezing.
Husband and I ate breakfast, I crocheted a bit (the blanket is growing very, very slowly) and we talked and then I was super slow yet again.
I woke the boy up just as his alarm was going off, then I walked to the health food store and bought some food, came back and we had potatoes and kale:
After that I talked with the boy until it was time to teach.
The teaching day was a little lighter than usual, I had two students cancel and one tried a lesson with my husband. They have been with me for ages and should be ready for some more advanced guitar lessons.
I made good use of all that free time and ordered replacement drawer rails, a new pillow for my husband’s bed, a new slatted frame for the boy’s bed and sent my husband a link to a site that sells futons so he can choose a new one. I also decided to try some weight lifting gloves.
Because of the cancellations I could eat dinner before my last student.
After I talked with the boy some more who had just gotten home from uni, then I started writing this post, did Duolingo, made a list for today, did my foot exercises, watched an episode of C-drama while spinning and crocheting and went to bed.
Today is the day the chimney sweep is supposed to show up and there will be lots and lots of students.
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