I did go to bed on time and slept well. I did a little better in fighting distraction throughout my morning routine but not well enough because I thought it would be a good idea to download new books while writing morning pages, then the ebook reader needed an update and then everything took way longer than expected. Sigh.
No yoga and no meditation.
Husband and I had a harmonious breakfast and then I needed to get going a bit earlier than usual because I had an appointment for a dental cleaning. This time was nicer than the last one but it’s not my favorite way to spend a morning. Especially since the doctor told me I need a new crown soon. So now I have another appointment for something pricey that will take 2 1/2 hours. On the bright side this time they’ll make the new crown in house right away so at least it will only be one appointment.
After that I went on a pretty long and meandering walk, first to the health food store where I get vegetarian white sausages for the boy, then to the supermarket where I buy yogurt, to another one on the way for cheese, ham and toilet paper, and then to the bigger health food store for everything else we ran out of. I did forget to buy liverwurst, though.
I came back only ten minutes late to wake the boy up which was not a big deal because he still had time to get ready in a leisurely fashion. I unpacked the groceries and then we had spaghetti carbonara which my husband made properly for the first time ever. We even bought the special bacon that you need for it. Guancale? I’m not quite sure because I bought three types of bacon in the past two weeks and lost track:
After that the boy talked with me until I was almost late for teaching.
Tuesdays are always a lot, I taught from 2.30 to 7 without a break. I did feel dizzy again during the singing lesson at the end, and that reminded me that I’ve been having dizzy spells for a while now. I think some of it is due to my ear trouble ten years ago (maybe), it might also be a side effect of blood pressure medication or whatever. Anyway, I need to see my doctor about this. A while ago my husband and I were out walking and I almost fell because of it.
So I made an appointment.
After that I was greeted by a total absence of dirty dishes. My dear husband had taken care of them, hurray.
The boy’s computer parts are starting to arrive, so that is nice, but the power supply and one other thing were said to arrive at some point between February and July. Um. July seems a bit late. So he canceled that order and will order again from somewhere else.
I ate dinner, lounged about a bit, did Duolingo, started writing this post, wrote a list for today and my one sentence of Chinese, made myself a cup of tea and did my foot exercises and watched an episode of C-drama while spinning and crocheting.
I’m pretty happy that today will bring way less errands. And no dentist appointments.
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