No wonder with getting only 4 1/2 hours of sleep and having had people in the house for three days in a row. Even if I didn’t interact with them much.
No writing that morning because I was so slow with my morning pages and then thought I would do my writing and yoga later. (Spoiler: I did not do my writing and yoga later.)
What I did do was walk to the health food store and to one of the nearby supermarkets for everything we needed for New Year’s Eve. I even remembered that self-checkout is a big hassle when you’re buying alcohol because, of course, you have to wait for a supermarket employee to wave you through. To make sure you’re not a minor.
The alcohol I was buying was the kirschwasser for today’s cheese fondue.
Meanwhile my husband was busy making lunch and this one was very tasty:
In the afternoon I mostly succumbed to the afternoon slump but also did the dishes and took a quick shower. The boy showed up just as I was about to get into the shower, then after I had finished he asked me to help him try on his new shoes. Well, that was when I had only 8 minutes left to get ready for teaching my sole student of the day, so no.
We did that afterwards instead, he decided to keep the shoes despite his misgivings about the shape of the sole and the fact that these lace-up boots also have a zipper. We did order new shoelaces, though.
And then we did bodyweight training. We switched up from 2 sets of 12 reps for each of the four exercises we do to 3 sets of 10. And it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I’m still a bit miffed about one of my husband’s friends saying that push-ups are not doing anything and are just for show. He said planks were more effective which might be the case but I really don’t like when someone tells me something that has been working well for me is shit. If I’m not careful that can lead to me doing no exercise at all.
I am aware that our strength training routine is not the bestest in the world but it is one that a) we know how to do, b) with the equipment that we already own, and c) that is not overwhelming and d) fun enough that we keep doing it. I have the exercises in a now defunct app which means I start the routine and then I just do what it tells me to do for half an hour and then I’m done.
Also, quite a few of my muscles are slightly sore today so I guess it is doing something. And I can see my biceps getting bigger.
I still feel like an idiot doing my pseudo pull-ups. I’m standing on a chair in front of my pull-up bar and try to put as much weight on my arms as I can tolerate. Which isn’t much. The other day I tried my husband’s dumbbells and it seems I’m using the equivalent of 5 kilos. That’s a long way from being able to actually hoist up my currently 86 kilo body. But well, you have to start somewhere.
Even if I never manage to do a proper pull-up or push-up it will make me stronger than before to do those wimpy watered-down exercises. And yes, I know how that sounds and I also know that after gaining more than twenty kilos and unable to do any exercise for quite some time last year I will have to start over again.
It’s either that or giving up. And since I want to be as fit as I possibly can for as long as I can giving up is not an option, period.
Every time I’m disheartened with any of those big project and life stuff I try to remember how big projects work in general. Like, all those crochet blankets. (Did I tell you that I caved and bought two baskets for them? With room to spare? I really love it.) Making one of those things is pretty intimidating at first. It usually takes me about two months of sitting down doing a little bit every day. But that’s just it, crocheting after breakfast and while watching TV is just a way of life for me at this point. And if I do it long enough I end up with a finished blanket.
Anyways, last night I was so tired that I only watched half an episode of C-drama before retiring to bed.
I guess tonight I’ll stay up late again because I haven’t quite reached the point where I don’t stay up on New Year’s Eve,
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