I went to bed at a reasonable time and slept well. Woke up, lounged in bed for forty minutes anyway and started my morning pages. My husband showed up just as I was done with those and was about to start writing fiction. He wanted to start the wood stove early and for once the timing was good.
Then I started my daily fiction writing session, had to interrupt it after less than ten minutes to trudge upstairs and wake the boy, I came back downstairs and then my husband interrupted me again because he thought I was already done with writing. Because he had heard me on the stairs. I wrote anyway and the words were flowing nicely.
Then I went to the living room for yoga where the fire was going and my husband had put the kettle on. Five minutes into my yoga session the water was boiling and I decided I had enough and made myself tea.
Only tea this time, no breakfast and no pills because I needed to have my blood drawn to check my thyroid levels. So I walked to the doctor’ office and back, then finally had breakfast (with the rest of my tea gone cold despite the thermos, serves me right for not warming the thermos up beforehand) and did the rest of my morning things.
I changed the sheets on my bed and started cleaning and then got notice that the package I was waiting for had been left with the neighbor. Well, I had forgotten to turn the doorbell back on, oops. So I went there to retrieve my package.
My husband spent most of the morning cooking, interspersed with a short run and this is what he made:
I took a short break while talking with the boy, taught the first student of the day, folded a load of laundry and hung up a second one (yeah, I have clean underwear again!), taught my second student of the day and then did the dishes. After that I waited for the boy to come downstairs so we could do bodyweight training.
After exercise there was dinner while reading, I started writing this post, did a bit of Duolingo and then watched the live stream for Sarra Cannon’s „Your Path Forward“-course. Followed by an episode of a Japanese TV series while spinning and crocheting and then bed.
Every time I watch some Asian drama that is not Chinese I realize that I actually do understand a little bit of Mandarin these days. Because crocheting while watching something Japanese with subtitles means I completely miss chunks of the plot. In Chinese dramas I usually get the gist regardless.
I’m calling that progress. And now the weekend!
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