No pictures, it’s still lying on the porch in its wrap but still.
I went to bed only slightly too late and started the day with lounging in bed reluctant to get up for half an hour. Then wrote my morning pages and some new words of fiction but decided to skip yoga again.
I had a peaceful breakfast all alone before my husband showed up and wanted to talk to me about childhood trauma or something.
And then we had to hurry a bit because we wanted to go to the farmer’s market before it closed at noon. We did get our potatoes and found that no, there are no Christmas trees to be bought there.
Last year the boy and I wanted to buy a tree for the first time in years. Well, when we finally managed to we turned out to be too late. There were none to be had anywhere that we could reach on foot. We ended up cutting a very, very small pine tree that was growing in our yard and then found out that my mother-in-law had thrown away not one but two of our Christmas tree stands.
Anyway. I was determined this year would be better. My husband was nice enough to help me because the boy and I never are free both at the same time and at a time when that Christmas tree stand in front of the supermarket is open as well. Last year we tried twice and the first time there was no one to sell us the tree and the second time there were no trees left.
But. This year my husband and I went to the supermarket. There were trees but no seller again. So my husband asked one of the super market cashiers. Turns out there should be a supermarket employee outside. So we waited. And then I went looking for him inside, no dice. But. After a while someone came and helped us.
There were only three trees left and my husband and I had decided which one we wanted in those long minutes of waiting already. Turns out when you want one of those trees you take the tag off the tree, go inside and have it scanned, pay the money and then take your tree home. So, next year I won’t wait for someone to help me, I can just take the tag off, scan it at self-checkout and push the tree through the wrapping thingy myself.
I was very glad that my husband was the one carrying the tree home, by the way. If I had to get it home by myself I would probably have taken the bike trailer and a bungee cord.
After that my husband started to cook and I helped a little bit. While waiting for the water to boil he drilled another hole through the kitchen light over the counter and fixed the tube with another piece of wire. And now that light is working again. And then I took a shower.
There was a somewhat late lunch:
After that I only had a very short break before teaching all the students. Since one student canceled I had another short break between students and used that to write another email to my web hosting provider, to start a load of laundry because I realized I was running out of clean underwear. In fact I had to resort to wearing a bra that is too small after my shower and that despite the fact that I just bought four new bras.
I also folded all the laundry that was left on the racks.
After teaching I met the boy for some bodyweight training, then finally ate dinner (mmh, fresh sourdough bread) together with the boy, talked with him while hanging up the new load of laundry, briefly talked to my husband who had done the dishes, read a bit, did Duolingo, foot exercises and started this post and then watched a bit of C-drama while spinning.
And yes, today will be rather busy as well but hopefully not quite as full as yesterday. All day I kept thinking how great it was that my feet didn’t hurt (or my fingers) just before I remembered that I’m taking painkillers again because of that acute arthritis pain. So I should better be careful, gauging the state of my feet by pain level doesn’t work right now.
But hey, no pain!
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