I woke up at 6 after going to bed a little too late and decided to skip my morning routine. Instead I lounged in bed and read.
I think I spent most of the day talking with my husband. Also, calling my mother on the phone. The call was very nice but she felt the need to tell me that my hairdo makes me look old. Thanks.
I did finish knitting the shawl but now I have lots and lots of ends to weave in.
Husband got stressed out by cooking again but didn’t want my help. In the end I chopped stuff for the salad and did some clean up. We had an argument all the way through lunch (always everybody’s favorite). Apparently it is fact that making two kinds of tomato sauce, spaghetti and a mixed salad using some ingredients from the backyard and the wood stove not only takes 2 hours, it is also completely impossible to do it without burning the onions and both the spaghetti and sauce already cold by the time the salad is done. And no, you can’t start with making the salad because that would take way longer.
Anyway, the plan is that I will attempt to make the same meal by myself using the wood stove next Sunday. This will be interesting. I will not dig the last of the celery out of the frozen ground, though, because we used that today:
Oh, and we’re also out of olive oil.
After that I sat with the boy while he ate lunch and talked, then talked with my husband again and then he offered to do the dishes, change the BRITA filter and descale the electric kettle. While I went to my studio, did some important admin and then planned the current month and the week ahead.
Then the boy and I were scheduled to do bodyweight training. While I waited for him my husband talked to me some more, I folded some laundry, tried doing Duolingo for 5 minutes but was interrupted three times and then we finally exercised.
I helped my husband order an electric kettle for the annex, my son order two sets of pajamas from two different shops, ate dinner, spent some time online, then started writing this post.
I made myself a cup of tea, did my foot exercises, wrote in my bullet journal, took my spindle out and spun for ten minutes while watching C-drama, knitted a bit and went to bed.
I’m really hoping today will be less exhausting.
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