Let’s see, Sunday was spent with guests all day up to the point where both my husband and I were longing for two days or so without having to talk to anyone. This was especially true since our friend basically didn’t stop talking at all for the whole weekend.
His wife went to Munich with a friend and the rest of us went out for lunch to the nearby Greek restaurant. We all chose the same meal. (My husband and I had thought about maybe having lamb until we saw the price):
In the afternoon my husband’s friend played some Debussy and Satie for me which inspired me to find the sheet music on the internet and try to play it myself today.
There was dinner and more talking, then everybody else retired to the annex and I spend a couple hours staring at the dirty dishes before finally going to bed at midnight. Which was a bit funny because of the time change Saturday night which meant my body thought it was an hour later.
In the morning I had to be up before 6 in case the boy needed a human alarm. He didn’t at first but fell right back asleep so I woke him twenty minutes later. Then I was lounging in bed, lazily contemplating maybe doing yoga after all when our guests were already up and in need of coffee. They had decided to leave earlier than planned so they’d definitely be home at a reasonable time. They were taking all slow trains on their way back.
So we had breakfast (more talk) then walked to the train station, totally misjudged where the busses were leaving (because the trains aren’t running all week) so they missed, like, three of them, then we finally put them on a bus in the right direction almost 15 minutes late but they later sent a message that they had actually made the train in Munich. Phew.
Husband and I walked back home by way of the old health food store (vitamin pills for the boy), we went home and slowly started tackling the mess. To be fair, the one who cleared most of it, beds, bathrooms, towels and such was my husband.
I had plans to exercise or take a shower or something but in the end I did nothing but read the internet and play the piano for half an hour.
I did finish Clue 2 of the mystery shawl on Sunday and started Clue 3 which is – fiddly again. Also, very clever but, well, I’m really looking forward to knitting something that’s all stockinette again, that is much better TV knitting.
I then made a plan which show to watch next because I had started three more C-dramas and was looking longingly at another one that I just found, but decided to first watch the last few episodes of „Everybody loves me“, then give „Unchained Love“ a second chance and then I’ll see. Apparently I was paralyzed because I didn’t have a C-drama watching plan. My brain is weird.
Today I’m hoping to get back to a semblance of normal but with only one student in the evening.
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