I went to be on time but had to get up at six to wake the boy and so I didn’t get enough sleep again.
Because I was a little resentful about having to get up early I then went on the internet right away. Not the improvement of my day I would have liked it to be.
There were morning pages and breakfast and talking with my husband while I finally got the next section of the mystery shawl set up. Take two didn’t work out at first, just like the first try, but then I realized I had forgotten to pick up a yarn over at the end of the row and once I did that I finally had the right number of stitches. Phew.
My husband had planned an excursion for the day but ended up staying home instead so he could get the garden ready for winter. This decision threw me off because I had this tight schedule built on the assumption that he would be away. After breakfast I hurried to get out the door for the weekly supermarket run. I had a very long list of things to buy. I did very well, the only thing I forgot was dishwashing detergent and I think we’ll get by on what’s left in the bottle until then. I also have another bottle under the sink that I only use for cleaning drains. I could use that in a pinch as well.
I rushed back from the supermarket to preheat the oven, put the groceries away and then heated frozen pizza for all three of us:
The boy had arrived back home in the meantime. We all ate together, then I did all the dishes, took a shower and had twenty minutes of time to myself before teaching.
One of my students canceled which gave me another much-needed break. I taught until almost 7, then put some water in the piano’s humidifier and met the boy for bodyweight training. It was one of those sessions where you hate every single exercise in every single interval and keep wanting to just give up but we prevailed. The boy skipped squats again. Turns out when you only sit in a chair for months and then start walking around more your legs are tired enough already.
Then I could finally eat a stale bun for dinner after which I just sat there playing silly games because I wanted to start this post and work on the novel in progress and do all the things but was way too exhausted and tired.
So I made myself start this post and then went and watched some C-drama before going to bed. No writing again.
Two of today’s students have already canceled which gives me time to sit around and feel bad after today’s flu and covid shots. The plan is to go to the doctor together and then eat some Greek food before teaching a bit.
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