No writing, though, and no blogging again which is why I’m writing this in a hurry now.
I did wake up from the alarm and did my complete morning routine. Filled with the best intentions of doing everything right and actually making my good habits permanent I did then eat breakfast early, knitted while my husband was eating, then did the dishes right away before starting the weekly cleaning.
I did manage to clean without disturbing my husband’s cooking too much, then we ate lunch:
Mind you, all of this was cooked without drama and ready twenty minutes earlier than expected.
Somewhere in between the new TV that we had originally expected to be here today, and then had gotten a message it would arrive on Tuesday, was delivered.
After lunch I took a break and then finished the cleaning in time before seeing a potential new ukulele student. The I taught some more, waited a bit for the boy, we did our bodyweight training (I have to say I did not give it my all, was too exhausted) and then I had half a bag of tortilla chips, half a pint of ice cream and a beer for dinner in front of TV.
My original plan had been to write after that but I was just too tired and exhausted and put myself to bed. I delegated the dishes to the boy so he could take his time taking a shower. I turned the lights out on time for the second day in a row.
Today I had planned to write all day but now it seems I will set up the new TV instead. And my husband decided he wants the TV in his studio to use as a second monitor. I think that should be doable but might involve buying a new USB hub. It also means that the old DVD player and, more importantly, the old VHS recorder won’t be connected to a TV anymore. But then I would need an adapter for those two anyway.
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