I went to bed half an hour too late. I’m counting that as a significant improvement but it still doesn’t bring me adequate sleep. The boy showed up as I was about to write morning pages and so I was late again. But. I shuffled things around and did my “meditating for three minutes before taking my blood pressure“-session before the yoga. So that when my husband showed up I was right in the middle of yoga, not just about to start meditating. Much better. I just yoga-ed away in the living room while he made himself tea.
I’m finally at a point again where I have ripped back to the wonky start of the current section of mystery shawl and now I can actually knit new stitches again. Phew.
As my husband and I were talking after breakfast I realized how stressed I felt about the start of teaching and all the many things that need repairs and such. Well, I guess I need to take care of at least a few of them.
I did all the usual morning things including the dishes while listening to Mozart and then went off to the supermarket on my bike. Came back home to a husband who was cooking something Thai-adjacent. It tasted way better than it looks:
Then I fell into a bit of a slump. I had a huge list of things to do but somehow couldn’t get started.
Eventually I did the lunch dishes while talking with the boy, then put everything together that I needed for the new driver’s license, and because my first student of the day had canceled I also went and mailed it. Came back and cut the edges of the PDF t-shirt pattern and ate dinner, taught my one student of the day (third student had canceled as well), talked some more with the boy, ate some yogurt, started writing this post, did Duolingo, watched an episode of „Everyone loves me“ while knitting and went to bed.
Today will be a dentist appointment for a new filling and cleaning. And probably watching the last episode of ‚Doctor Who‘ with the boy for something nice.
Oh, and somewhere throughout the afternoon I decided to order a new raincoat. I have really needed one for year now and I finally snapped today.
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