Wow. That was a long day!
After turning the lights out at 11.30 I set my alarm at 6. Got up, did yoga, wrote morning pages and had breakfast. I had already gotten a message that the high speed train between Munich and Würzburg would be late. At that point I was still hoping I could make my connection in Würzburg.
Even though the local trains to Munich looked like they were on time I did take an earlier one just to be safe. This turned out to be a good thing, there was apparently a medical emergency on one of the trains on the main tracks through Munich and that made all the trains everywhere late. I still had more than enough time to change at Munich main station.
When I arrived at the platform it was packed. Not a good sign. But I had my reserved seat that was almost at the end of the train. And that part tends to be less full because people without reservations tend to enter the train at the back end instead of walking all the way to the front.
I was 20 minutes late in Würzburg and missed my connection, so I left an hour later than expected. I was getting hungry by now and bought myself a chocolate bar.
My friend met me at the station of the small town she is now living in. She and her husband just moved at the beginning of August. It is very picturesque, there are vineyards all around, old, medieval houses with statues of the Madonna in niches and a very baroque small church.
But first I got a tour of the new apartment. Including the utility closet with everything in neat little plastic bins. I’m a bit jealous of everything being so tidy and clean what with me living in the midst of piles and piles of stuff. But then I could always sort, declutter and clean.
I was a bit afraid of not getting anything to eat but no, my friend made us a salad as a first course:
And then there was vegetable lasagna:
After that we went out to walk the „Terroir F“-path. (Sorry, that website is German only.) I, of course, was both slightly irritated that they called Hercules and Ariadne Greek gods and too blasé to actually read the whole thing. The sight was very beautiful:
Sorry for not taking better pictures, there was so much sun that I could barely see what was on my phone’s screen.
My feet complained very little, regarding.
We walked back the long way, through the nice little town:
And inside the church:
We went back to my friend’s house and ate cake on the balcony:
My friend’s husband came home from work, we talked some more, ate bread, cheese and cold cuts for dinner with some more tea and then it was time to get back again.
The train back to Würzburg was on time. Then I got a message that not only the car that I had my reserved seat in on the train back was out of commission but so was half the train! I already knew that the train would be at least half an hour late. So while on the train to Würzburg (that only took ten minutes and without wifi) I decided to see if I could find a different connection and reserve another seat. I mean, spending 5 € on not having to be on a train where all the passengers try to cram themselves into half the cars was definitely worth it.
It would be close but I could make it. The connecting high speed train was already five minutes late. And it should arrive at the same platform across.
Then the train to Würzburg got delayed as well. I kept refreshing the train app to gauge whether I could make it.
When we arrived at Würzburg I was the first at the door and dashed to the other side. Phew!
The woman sitting in my reserved seat was very surprised because it hadn’t said there was a reservation when she sat down in it. Well, yeah, because I just reserved it 5 minutes ago.
I ended up sitting elsewhere, there was an empty seat nearby, so all was good.
I settled down for some knitting and watching K-drama that I had downloaded onto my tablet.
The train app kept telling me we’d arrive in Munich in 20 minutes. Me changing trains should have brought me home almost an hour earlier, yeah!
But. At one point I looked up from my screen to see we still hadn’t arrived at Nuremberg. There was no way we could make it from Nuremberg to Munich in 20 minutes. It was just that the train app wasn’t showing the delay.
The train ended up 45 minutes late in Munich. By then I really had enough of sitting on trains. This one was not as crowded because most people prefer to arrive before 11 pm at their destination.
I did get on the local train that I had initially thought I’d catch and that one was only 5 minutes late, hurray! And I learned that at the moment because of construction on the main line through Munich (I might have mentioned that here and there) the trains to where I live only run once per hour. So I got extremely lucky that I only had to wait for, like, 10 minutes.
I arrived home hungry, thirsty and tired at 11.45. I had worn a mask on all the trains because it was full of people and there was always someone coughing right next to me. Which makes the whole experience more unpleasant and I always forget to drink when wearing a mask.
At home the rest of the family all greeted me, I had kept them updated on the train saga, I had asked the boy to put a beer in the fridge for me, please, and I sat down and ate a second dinner while telling the boy about my day. Then we got talking, about my friend and about people in general and how to prevent getting set in one’s way and then around 1 am we started showing each other music we had liked recently and he showed me all the tweets he had wanted to send me links to throughout the day but he hadn’t because he didn’t want to interrupt.
I went to bed at 2.30. Which might be a little late.
I did not set an alarm because I really need the sleep but – I forgot to disable my regular „take your thyroid meds“-alarm at 7.30. So, um, I’ve been up since then with only 5 hours of sleep. This will be great for sure!
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