Maybe it was time for my weekly slump.
I did get enough sleep, woke up from the alarm and promptly fell back asleep. Therefore half my brain was offline most of the day. I did do my complete morning routine, had breakfast with my husband, and did my online rounds.
More talk with husband, my weekly phone call with my mother, and then I helped making lunch by chopping all the things and grating cheese. The leftover pork cutlet sparked some pasta with tomato sauce. From freshly picked tomatoes from the backyard:
My gauge swatch was dry, I realized I had forgotten to count the stitches and rows before washing it and also that the needle I used was too big, I need to use a thinner one. No time to do a second gauge swatch. Since the vest will be pretty oversized anyway I’ll just wing it.
The boy showed up as I was just about to finish my lunch break so I sat with him for almost an hour, talking while he ate. Then I started doing the lunch dishes. My husband came into the kitchen while I was doing that four times, three of those times were about something computer-related he needed help with. „Are you still not finished with the dishes?“ Nope. Usually takes about 30 minutes after lunch, sometimes longer.
I ate too much for dinner and then procrastinated like crazy before finally doing all the things on my list that were left. I packed my bag for today, cast on for the sweater and planned the week. I also got a message that my return train to Munich tonight will arrive half an hour later than expected. At 11 pm instead of 10.30. So I’ll be back home at midnight. That will certainly be lots of fun.
I started writing this post, charged all the devices, took a shower, watched a bit of K-drama and went to bed.
I’m tired already. And I can also tell that I’ll spend tomorrow in a half-comatose state.
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