I don’t have a lot of time again (I expect this to be a constant refrain until at least the end of the week, by the way) so let’s see.
No morning routine, with everything going on we decided to move the pasta-making to today, I talked to my mother, did some housework, and planned the week, then there was an easy lunch:
I had a hard time getting myself to move in the afternoon but after my husband left to meet a friend in Munich I did finish the weekly cleaning, did some dishes, did my weekly review, spent too much time on social media and opened the short story that connects to the trilogy I’m working on to proofread. Well, that took less than ten minutes because apparently I had already started some time before. That’s one thing to check off my list.
Then I got everything ready to watch the second part of „Dune. Part Two“ while eating potato chips, licorice, ice cream and drinking a beer. Well, I had a beer, he had lemonade. He really doesn’t like beer or drinking in general. Good for him.
I mean, I didn’t drink at all until I was 19 or so but still. For someone who had his first taste of beer at the tender age of 8 months he is showing a lot of restraint. (Just a sip, this is very common in Bavaria, no I didn’t like it.)
We watched the movie and it was really, really good, spectacular even, especially the set design, the sounds, the music and the way it’s filmed. Not to say the script or the actors where in any way bad.
I tried getting the other things on my list after that, namely starting to write this post, calculate bust darts for the cardigan-in-progress and pull out the skirt-in-progress (this is me trying to finish both of them before Wednesday, well no) but my husband came back home, was very hungry and talkative so I knitted a bit while he was telling me all about his day. I did look at the instructions for the skirt and I only have a couple of steps left, remembered that I still had to hang up laundry, told my husband I’d rather do it alone than together, watched some YouTube while hanging up laundry, ended up in a YouTube rabbit hole, bought a fourth book that day and went to bed.
Yes, I do have a book buying problem but all in all I only spent less than 17 €. I had spent a lot of the afternoon decluttering my ebook reader, I had 978 samples on there which is definitely too much. Some where samples for books I already bought (no idea when it started that samples are no longer automatically deleted when you buy the actual book) and my „buy later“-folder was also getting out of control.
At one point I almost panicked, thinking I had broken my Kindle app because it kept crashing but it turns out when you delete almost 700 samples it takes a bit of time for processing.
I feel much lighter now.
But in the process of deleting samples I also bought „The Secrets of Happy Families“, Pharynx Fisher’s Murder Mysteries 1 and 2 and just before going to bed I saw that „Fangirls“ that Gail Carriger had recommended was available in two different editions and one of them was only 4 € (the other one was about three times as expensive.
Anyways, I’m already late right now, I’ll be off to make trofie by hand, do dishes and squeeze as much into the day as I possible can.
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