Despite the earache (much better but not gone) I did manage my complete morning routine. I was very determined to do all the things but was also well aware that I a) had Zoom things all the way from 5 to 8.30 and b) limited energy because of the earache and the resultant bad sleep.
I did get going at a reasonable time, started the weekly cleaning and changed the sheets on my bed, and got half the cleaning done before lunch.
After lunch I took a longer break, then did the dishes and took a shower, carefully putting a silicone earplug in so my inflamed ear would stay dry. Turns out if you let your silicone earplugs sit for ten years they turn hard and brittle. I’ll have to get some new ones soon.
I had hoped to take a look at my writing as well but there wasn’t enough time.
So I sat and watched that Zoom thing while knitting from 5 to 6.30and then went to the kitchen to eat a quick dinner before the next call.
Turned out my husband was right in the middle of wrangling masses of celery, preparing it to be frozen in pieces. There was no place for me to make myself something to eat, husband was grumpy and unresponsive and somehow we ended up yelling at each other. I got myself a bag of peanut snacks and went off to my second Zoom thing.
I watched that and like the first one it was very helpful and informative.
Came back to the kitchen where the boy deposited a huge stack of dirty dishes next to the bit pot my husband had used for the celery. We talked briefly. Then I went to find my husband. Who was still angry. Both of us are totally convinced the other one started the fight, none of us would back done, there was shouting and anger and tears, lots of fun.
I went for a walk while my beer was cooling down in the freezer, came back, more shouting and tears until I threw my husband out. I ate some cheese and drank beer while watching some K-drama and went to bed too late.
I’m glad to say that we’ve talked it out this morning but still. So unnecessary. There wasn’t even a reason to it. Meh.
So today I’ll finish the cleaning, I guess, and am hoping to get some stuff done at last.
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