I did get almost enough sleep again, so that was good, but I’m still pretty fuzzy in my brain. I guess that’s where I’m at until we’re in the middle of summer break? Probably.
I didn’t even make a list for the day but I did do my complete morning routine, did the dishes early and went out to get my prescription renewed from that doctor who is covering for my regular one.
And – things went all smooth and nice. The pharmacy even had the meds in. On my way back home I went to the health food store again and picked up a couple of spices my husband forgot to put on the list the day before.
I folded all the laundry that was hanging in the living room. I did not start a new load even though that would have been a great idea.
Lunch was a quick affair because my husband had gone to the hardware store in the morning and didn’t have much time:
I took a shower after lunch and then had a little break. I finished „Behind these doors“ by Jude Lucens and I really, really loved it. It’s a pity the next in series isn’t out yet. I tried signing up to her newsletter but failed.
Then I taught all the students, the last one canceled and I took the chance to do more sitting around doing nothing.
A little later my mother-in-law came home from the cemetery and told my husband she had been stung by wasps because there was a wasp nest right in the middle of the family grave and she decided it would be a good idea to get rid of said nest by pouring water onto it. Well, the wasps did not think so and attacked her.
She had made a detour to the pharmacy on her way back home so I’m guessing she had everything she needed but still. The mere thought makes me shudder. Please, don’t try this at home.
Then I started writing this post, I did the dishes and Duolingo, finally listened to my piece of classical music for the day (by a new-to-me composer, Dobrinka Tabakova), watched some C-drama and went to bed.
Today will bring the weekly supermarket run and a long day of teaching.
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