And that even though I went to bed a little late and didn’t sleep well. I woke up in the night from pain in my finger joints and feet. Definitely don’t recommend. In an effort to figure out what makes it worse I downloaded the Bearable app. We’ll see. I’m thinking possible factors are alcohol, sugar, playing the guitar and knitting. I don’t think knitting aggravates it unless I knit very tightly on very tiny needles but I’ll figure it out.
With all the faffing about with setting up the app I was a little late again (also fell back asleep after the alarm) and so I opted for doing yoga first. Then meditated and took my blood pressure (a little high). There was breakfast and such and then I tried writing morning pages but was interrupted three times in half a page so I gave up.
I wanted to start the weekly cleaning early so that I would have time for other things as well but then we had to sort out our drugstore order. Husband had made a list weeks ago, we had agreed to ask my mother-in-law if she needed anything and since then the list has gone missing. Each of us was sure the other one had it.
So there was the search for the list all around the house, then the making of a new list and then I finally could order everything. Then I did the dishes and after that was very late again.
I started the weekly cleaning of the house, interrupted it to order takeout, cleaned some more, picked up takeout (cue brief interruption trying to figure out where I put my headphones) and we had lunch:
And also fried noodles, this time with tofu instead of chicken. Who knows, maybe meat is the thing that aggravates my joints:
Very tasty.
I took a break that was too long and talked with the boy a bit. My first student had canceled and I thought I could do all kinds of things during that time but what I actually did was finish cleaning the house. Taught one lone student, then mopped the kitchen and bathroom floors which was way overdue. I’m so happy that I removed the gunk on the floor!
Then I taught another student, had a short break, went on a Zoom call half an hour late, learned a lot, reheated the second half of my lunch for dinner and put a beer in the freezer and then went on a second Zoom call sipping my beer. That call was super-helpful as well. Even though I might have talked too much. Or maybe not.
After that it was already 9.30. I did a bit of reading and scrolling, did the dishes while listening to Yehudi Menuhin and Ravi Shankar, did half-hearted foot exercises and went to bed on time.
Today I’m going to try and do all the things again. With breaks and ample time to play silly games and such. To prevent the Saturday slump.
Oh, and I didn’t tell you the most exciting thing about yesterday: I probably have the titles for the trilogy! I gave my brain the task to come up with usable titles over night and it did. (I hope that was not the reason for my bad sleep.) And that in turn sparked all those ideas of how I could completely rework another story of mine. I’m very excited and can’t wait to start writing the next book! But first publishing.
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