I have to say that at least my mood has lifted, so there’s that.
I did the full morning routine, talked briefly with my husband over breakfast and then he had to get going because he had a date with his aunt to cart all the recycling away. That is one task that is hard to do without a car.
So I did Duolingo and the dishes and got ready to bike to the supermarket. I was a full thirty minutes earlier than usual, even. And that was with an extra large grocery haul, both bike panniers, my backpack and the basket at the front of my bike were full.
I came back, put the groceries away and had lunch. There were white sausages, soft pretzels, sweet mustard and dark beer. Apparently I forgot to take a picture.
Then the boy showed up, we talked a bit, he ate and then he went outside to spray paint his Warhammer figurines. My plan was to take a shower and then start sewing but – I need to cut my toenails. And then there wasn’t enough time left.
I taught my first student of the day, the second one canceled so I finally started testing the twin needle on a scrap of fabric and it was a disaster.
Taught another student, did some teaching admin including two phone calls. I might have booked four trial lessons… Which reminds me of the conversation my husband and I had over lunch. He started out with, „We really need to talk.“ Um, that sounds pretty ominous. And then he went on to say that he had the impression I was spread thin and he was worrying about me. And that I was doing too much and that the solution was not to stop writing or knitting or whatever but instead that I should consider teaching less. Huh. Might be a good idea.
I also just had the thought that I keep forgetting that I just had surgery and am expecting myself to just function normally. Which just might be a bit silly.
Anyways, I still used every free minute for my sewing project but a) turns out I don’t have as many free minutes as I think I have and b) I really had trouble with the machine again. This is how the test seam looked after tweaking the tension:
And this is the back:
At least this is just a piece of scrap fabric. So in the end I decided to just give up and try to figure out how to get everything back to where it was before so I could at least finish the seams with some zigzag stitch.
I taught some more students, talked with my husband and with the boys (separately), started writing this post, researched how long it took other people to sew a Hollyburn skirt (about 2 – 4 hours), did the dishes, decided that being so tired that you’re afraid to fall flat on your face is not the right state to fiddle with your sewing machine, did a short Duolingo lesson, wrote my list for today, watched an episode of „Find Yourself“, applied my new rule that I have to turn the TV off right after the episode ends, then get up and brush my teeth and went to bed.
I think I will definitely not do the weekly cleaning today…
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