Just a quick note because I don’t have much time. See, I didn’t start writing this post last night in an attempt to get to bed early – it didn’t work. I have reached that stage of despair where you watch all the YouTube videos about how to develop good habits. I even saw one where a young, bearded man in his twenties touted a physical notebook as the solution. What you need to do is write down the habits you want to develop and the things you want to stop. Then, each evening you open your notebook, cross off what you achieved and for the things you didn’t do you have to write down why. So far so good. Nothing wrong with that approach.
And then he went on that a physical notebook is much better than doing it online because the chances of someone else seeing the list was much higher. And how embarrassing that would be.
Ahem. My family doesn’t walk around peaking at my notebooks. I’d say the chance someone sees and reads what I write down are much higher here, online, than in my bullet journal that sits in a bag right next to me as I type.
Also, the approach reminded me of the mindful eating journal I used to keep. You know the one, where I wrote down, „Ate a whole bag of chips, a bar of chocolate and half a bag of gummy bears despite being full already. I was angry and afterwards I felt sick.“ Is that embarrassing? A little. Would I do it again? Probably. In full sight of another human being? Maybe. Did writing it down make me eat less? Definitely not.
But I’ve read that for most people the act of writing these things down does make a difference. Well, good for you.
So. Yesterday I didn’t have much oomph but I really tried. I did walk to the pharmacy instead of my husband because he felt even more overwhelmed than me and then I didn’t have as much time for sewing. I spent ages pressing the skirt and sleeve seams, then started pinning them down and that was it. I had a break in the afternoon but I used that for contacting potential new students. Two down, two more to go. (I should maybe put on our website that we answer email much faster than phone calls. I did like that one caller mentioned I can send him a text, though.)
Lunch was mostly leftovers:
I didn’t teach all that much and had high hopes of getting some things done in the evening but apart from the dishes, hanging up a load of laundry and starting the shawl for the mystery knit-a-long I only watched two episodes of C-drama.
I was rather down at the end of the day because I can’t seem to get a grip on my life but this morning I decided to get back to doing kind and nice things for future me. So far I have written morning pages, done yoga and meditated. My blood pressure is a little lower.
Today will be insanely busy again including late teaching, so we’ll see what I get done.
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