After not getting enough sleep again because I was still rather wired from the argument with my husband I got up at 7 and did my full morning routine. Which means journaling (about 30 minutes), yoga (about 10 minutes plus setting the mat up and putting it away again) and meditation (3 minutes). I also open windows, get dressed, close windows again, pull blueberries out the freezer for muesli to thaw and set everything up for breakfast during that time.
And then I have a huge list that is my companion all the way through the morning until about noon:
A friend who reads this blog (waves!) asked me about it. The list is mostly in English because I started with some of the suggestions already in the app but for some reason I felt like writing „take blood pressure“ and „make chamomile tea“ in German. I don’t get all the way through to „start washing machine“ often and I don’t think I’ve ever done „15 minutes in focus zone“ but it would be fabulous if I did. On top of this I have reminders for my various medications in my phone that keep popping up until I click them and my bullet journal that has another list for the day. That might include morning pages, yoga and meditation as well.
In the evening I open this app to this page plus the sleeping app in a way that the list is the first thing I see when taking my phone in hand and I keep the list front and center all morning.
Husband and I were still cranky with each other in the morning and he didn’t really want to talk to me. Still, I did manage to open the manuscript for once which made me very happy. I did the breakfast dishes, walked to the health food store and back and bought all kinds of exciting veggies. When I had just returned home my mobile rang, my mother-in-law asked me to pick her up at the doctor’s. She had gone there because her blood pressure had been super high, then she got an infusion, her blood pressure went down fast and she was afraid of keeling over on the way home.
Of course I was happy to help her get back home. So I walked over to the doctor’s office. And couldn’t find it. Consulted a map in my phone (which required switching on data and spending money, sniff), thought I had figured out how to get to the doctor, was completely wrong, looked at the map again and had to walk back almost the whole way. Turns out that her doctor had moved offices years ago but she hadn’t told me. She had tried calling the boy first but he was fast asleep, by the time he answered she already had hung up and then he had run out of battery and couldn’t call her back.
There was lunch:
I took a bit of a break, confirmed that buying a bar of milk chocolate to share with the boy doesn’t work – again – talked with the boy a bit (after eating all the chocolate before he came downstairs) and started teaching.
My last two students of the day canceled and I paid some bills.
I think it was during lunch that my husband told me to start researching a trip to Italy for this year. We had started talking about Verona and which time might be a good idea. So I sat down, pulled up a hotel booking site, found something that looked nice and not too pricey and – clicked us a 5-day holiday during Pentecost break. I talked it over with my husband between students, asked him a few questions and booked the train tickets as well.
This is a very classic Susanne move, thinking about maybe doing a trip and then just booking it right away. I am really looking forward to it. The last time my husband and I went traveling together was in 2020 for his birthday. We haven’t been in Italy since the boy was in 3d grade and that with my husband learning Italian every day. Maybe I should reactivate Italian on Duolingo as well.
I had huge plans of working out and doing stretches and such but was way too tired. Sat around for too long, then finally did the dishes after all and took a shower.
Today will be a long one, gastroscopy in the morning and teaching all the students in the afternoon.
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