But! I opened the manuscript, woot!
Also, I lied in the last blog post. See, I usually write the post the evening before and then change it before it posts the next morning if things turn out different than I thought they would. But instead of doing everything on time and watching C-drama before the Zoom call I ended up doing it all too late and had to leave the dripping, freshly washed dishes sitting on the counter to get to the meeting on time, the meeting ran half an hour longer than planned, afterwards I dried all the dishes and put them away, that plus having to calm down after meant I turned the lights out at 1.30, tried sleeping in but forgot about the alarm telling me to take my thyroid meds at 7.30 and then I was so low on energy that I forgot about the blog post. Sorry.
I did have a pretty productive day anyway even though I skipped my whole morning routine. I actually opened my manuscript for a change (yeah for motivating coaches), went out, renewed a prescription and got a referral for my gastroscopy, bought yogurt and the train ticket for Thursday, picked up a few veggies and lots of sweets at the health food store, helped prep some of the veggies for lunch and ate a meal that was prompted by fresh sprouts:
I only had half an hour before my first student, ate some gummy bears and chocolate while talking with the boy and – unlike the week before – did not forget about that student. I’m still very sorry about that.
I had two students cancel because they were sick, so teaching was not as strenuous as expected. I did phone calls in between.
After teaching I talked to my husband who sounded a bit depressed again, ate dinner, texted with a friend, did the lunch dishes and Duolingo, watched some C-drama (this time for real) and went to bed.
Today I am planning to do all the usual Thursday things before dealing with the behemoth that is Tuesday teaching. Am already looking forward to bed.
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