Went to bed after midnight, way too late yet again. The „too tired to go to bed“-cycle continues as well as more conflict with my husband. Which is pretty normal when I’m overtired and stressed.
I woke up from the alarm at the usual time, did my complete morning routine (yeah, me!) including yoga for the first time in days. Had breakfast, finished the last round of the Starbright blanket and wove in a couple of ends.
I briefly considered opening the manuscript but really wanted to get a move on with cleaning. I did the dishes while listening to some classical music, interrupted dishwashing to google the composer and order the sheet music („Unsent Love Letters“ by Elena Kats-Chernin), had a spat with my husband after discussing lunch plans and then started cleaning the house. I got half my weekly cleaning done before lunch, ate alone while reading because my husband was angry at me and then the boy joined me and we talked about all kinds of things. Which was nice but collided with my plan to finish the cleaning before my first student.
Lunch was a quick porcini omelette:
I started teaching, used the break I had because one student canceled to vacuum the old part of the house and then to start pulling out the yarn for the next blanket project because it wasn’t enough time to finish cleaning. Taught two more students, tried talking with my husband who was still miffed, then ate dinner, talked to the boy again, this time it was me talking about the disagreement with my husband at length, went online again, started writing this post, did Duolingo for the first time that day, watched some C-drama and went to bed.
Today I want to finish the cleaning, take a shower, do some exercise and take an online workshop. And start a new crochet blanket of course.
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