For real.
I had turned the lights out at 12.30 and set my alarm for 6.30 so was a bit tired. I managed to do yoga, meditate and take a shower all before breakfast. Husband was not happy that the whole kitchen was filled with all the dishes from the day before and started angry-washing them while waiting for the water to boil on the wood stove. In between driving each other slightly up the wall we also managed to talk about the fact that the annex was weirdly cold. So, like, maybe there was something wrong with the heating in that part of the house? Husband went into the basement, said there was a blinking light on the circulation pump. I turned everything off, then on again, searched for the manual for the pump and the rest of the furnace, it looked like everything was okay but the annex really was too cold.
My husband called our heating guy who said he had no idea when he could come around, he had a cold and a coloscopy scheduled. Bummer.
I did all the dishes and a very quick Duolingo lesson. I had started the second mitten after breakfast and had written morning pages as well. During morning pages I realized how anxious I was about several different things and so I went to find my husband to talk with him about it. I had really bad thought-spirals about all kinds of health stuff. Fun! That’s what one gets when not sleeping enough. Among other things.
Just before I was about to leave the house for an epic round of errands I got a voicemail that heating guy could be expected 15 minutes later. Which meant my husband had to fit him in around making lunch.
I decided to move yogurt-buying to Thursday or today because I was way too late already, went to the pharmacy to get my husband’s meds, to the tea shop and to the health food store.
Well. Apparently the doctor had tried some new-fangled electronic prescription-thing. He had said my husband should be able to get his meds in any pharmacy the day after. Only there was a problem with the data transfer. No surprise there. I’ll try again today, I guess.
The tea shop in advent is a madhouse. There were only two customers in front of me in line and they both did the „I want some tea as a present, no I don’t know what I want, can I have that wrapped in glitter“-routine. Whereas I went in with I’d like 500 grams of this, 250 grams of that and another 250 grams of that other one, thanks.
Went to the health food store and back home where heating guy was working hard. Circulation pump was broken and he was putting a new one in, one that is quite a bit bigger and almost didn’t fit.
Then there was lunch:
Only when we were finished with eating my husband remembered that one of the main reasons for this meal were the sprouts he had cultivated beforehand. No, you can’t see any sprouts in the picture above. The sprouts were at that point sitting on the porch so that they wouldn’t wilt.
The boy did get some into his portion because nocturnal boy is nocturnal again.
I took a very short break, then went to teach all the students. My first student was late which was rather puzzling until I found out that he and his mother were waiting in front of the closed garden gate. I had left it open, securing it with the rope we use for that purpose after coming back home and heating guy must have helpfully closed it again.
Teaching included a possible new student, a kindergartener who was very cute and me and my best singing student learning a new Scarlatti aria together which was rather fun. Especially because one of the big anxieties in my morning pages had been losing my voice and never being able to sing properly again and then I went on to sing for almost an hour and afterwards my voice was strained, yes, but not completely shot.
Seems I need to add daily singing warm-up to the list, along with thrice daily stretching, and all the other stuff I need to do.
I ate dinner, started writing this post, did the dishes, more Duolingo, a bit of C-drama and went to bed a little earlier.
Today I have a doctor’s appointment that means I need to leave the house at 8. I can tell already that that was a really bad idea and that it will throw me off for the rest of the day.