I went to bed a little too late and didn’t sleep all that well. No morning routine at all and I also did not do any exercise. I did eat all the things, though.
I finished lengthening the sleeves of my husband’s new sweater. Now it does fit better than before but for some reason all the woven-in ends keep creeping to the outside. And then I started another pair of Kærlig mittens for my husband. I’m using the leftover yarn from the ones I made for my mother. I spent quite a bit of time doing all the dishes from the day before.
We had leftover food from Christmas dinner for lunch:
I read and thought about the last week and made plans for the current one. My brother-in-law’s family was upstairs at my mother-in-law’s place and so we went up in the afternoon to say hello. I came back downstairs and ate more poppy seed cake. Met the boy for the first time that day and agreed to watch the second half of the Muppet Christmas movie that night.
Talked with my husband about the week ahead as well. Today we’re planning to make venison, red cabbage and spaetzle. Friends of his will come over at some point this week, either for one day or two and they also might stay overnight. They want to make music. I’d love to play as well but not with my voice being shot. We might make lasagna, we might make frozen pizza or possibly both. Not on the same day, mind you.
There were more dishes, some Duolingo, watching TV while knitting and not much more. I had planned to take a shower and exercise but didn’t. I am really hoping today will go better, I’d like to make better use of my time. I’m still rather exhausted in general but I’m not sure sitting around eating and reading is really the best course of action. Well, we’ll see.
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