Oddly shaped day, full morning routine then waiting for the wood stove to get hot and boil tea water for a long time, bike ride to the supermarket and a pharmacy, then back home, another pharmacy, lunch and teaching.
We had Weißwürste and Brezen for lunch and I drank the first beer in weeks:
The teaching, bodyweight training between two students, finding that there was no bread left for dinner, heating up frozen rolls in the oven, dinner while reading, somehow waiting for two hours for the boy to bring the dirty dishes downstairs (I was unsure if I should just start washing up, go upstairs, or do something else, ahem), do the dishes, watch some C-drama even though it was already a bit late, and then going to bed.
I’m not quite sure if today will just be extra super busy or extremely crazy, we’ll see. The things I would like to fit into the day are cleaning the house, taking a train to the next town over to renew a prescription, walk to the pharmacy again, teach all the students and take a shower. Not quite sure if that’s possible.
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