I had a long list of things I wanted to get done, I did only very few but that’s okay.
Since I went to bed too late I skipped my morning pages in favor of more sleep. I did do yoga and then forgot about meditation. The boy showed up while I was in down dog so that’s my excuse.
There was a bit of snow on the ground. Not enough that it needed shoveling but enough that I went outside with the bucket of gravel so that no one would slip on the sidewalk in front of our house.
There was breakfast and then I finished knitting the neckband of the sweater-in-progress. Doing a sewn tubular bind-off takes quite a bit of time. I read and played iPad games and such which meant I was a little late with everything else. So instead of doing the dishes and finishing cleaning the bathrooms I only got almost done with the dishes before my husband came back from his run.
So lunch was half an hour late:
Sorry for the messy picture, I was so hungry that I forgot to take one before starting to eat.
I sat around some more, did a load of wool things and another load of darks, hung both up, bought Dani Donovan’s Anti-Planner in a pretty typical and impulsive way, did some Duolingo, ate dinner, sat around some more dreading doing the dishes, watched an episode of „Only for Love“ and went to bed.
Oh, and I gathered supplies for mending two of my husband’s sweaters and a pair of sweatpants. After the third attempt I actually unearthed a small ball of the handspun I used for knitting one of the sweaters which is pretty cool. What’s not as cool is that not only does the sweater have two seams that need some mending, it also has a sleeve that is worn thin with a hole that will need some more extensive repair. I’m thinking duplicate stitch.
The second one need the sleeves shortened which is unfortunate because they’re knit bottom-up. The plan is to snip a stitch, pull out a row, put the stitches on the needles and knit a new cuff. This is made more complicated by the fact that the whole sweater has ribbing all over and the sleeves have very intricate cables. I will have to decide on where to chop the cable pattern and then it might be a good idea to either put a purl row in or knit the cuff in a completely different ribbing pattern. Or maybe just cut, take the resulting stitches and bind off.
I guess that will need some more thought.
As for the sweatpants they don’t need to look good, they just need to hold up. There is a big rip where the waistband parted ways with the back. The tear shows that my son hitches his pants up the exact same way that I do but with his right hand instead of the left. My favorite pair of jeans had a hole in a corresponding place and is now sporting a piece of denim there after repairs.
I do own a very nice book about visible mending but it doesn’t say anything about knits and also not about invisible mending which is what I usually need.
And writing this meant I realized I could just look at YouTube tutorials, duh.
Sorry for going on and on about mending but then you helped me think and I know I’m not the only one enjoying endless tangents…
Ich weiß nicht, ob du noch Video-Tipps zum Flicken von Gestricktem brauchst, aber hier findest du vielleicht das richtige: https://www.youtube.com/@LittleStarCC Es gibt da so einige Videos, in denen es um das unsichtbare Reparieren von Wollsachen geht – vielleicht findest du da ja was nützliches.
Danke für den Tipp, werde ich mir gleich mal anschauen!