This is getting old but I had to cancel yet another singing lesson because my voice is not getting better.
At least I went to bed at a reasonable time, slept well and almost enough and then did my complete morning routine. The boy showed up early again but I excused myself this time. He seems to be diurnal again, hurray!
After breakfast I quickly wrote a postcard, did the dishes and then was off to my doctor’s appointment. I really like this ENT doctor but the office was a zoo. All the people are sick right now. And yes, I wore my mask. I had to wait for almost an hour but the actual appointment was fast. The doctor thinks it’s still a virus and gave me a list of things I should get at the pharmacy. Antiseptic mouthwash, antiseptic lozenges and also – surprisingly – something against heartburn. It seems I might have acid reflux as well. She also told me to keep hydrated, drink sage tea and inhale steam. No singing at the moment and more vocal rest.
On my way home I went to the pharmacy, of course, and then to the health food store for more sweets and some sage tea. Only when I was back home did I remember that my husband had mentioned we have all the sage we need, there is a big bush of it in the backyard. Oops.
Lunch was a little late because my husband had spent the morning at the garden center. We had another extremely Bavarian meal, Leberkäs, fried eggs and potato salad:
The boy joined us for lunch and we talked about languages again, about sign languages, Chomsky and those apes that learned signing. I learned that there is German sign language, Austrian sign language and Swiss sign language and the Swiss one has five dialects. Well, five dialects for Swiss German Sign Language, five for the French one and five for the Italian one. If I remember correctly. And that German Sign Language doesn’t mean that it’s German and signed but instead that it is a Sign Language used in Germany.
I had a short break and then went on teaching. There were several breaks and I use done of them to do the lunch dishes. The last student was a potential new one, very nice, who will start next week.
I ate dinner before teaching her, afterwards I talked with my husband for a bit, then started writing this post, tended to my sore throat, watched an episode of C-drama and went to bed at a reasonable time.
Today I want to clean all the things, change the sheets and teach five students or so.
Konstanze says
Außerdem gibt es innerhalb der Deutschen Gebärdensprache regionale Unterschiede, wie bei jeder anderen Sprache auch. 😉 Ich werde nie vergessen, dass der Kursleite für den Gebärdensprachkurs, den ich während des Studiums gemacht habe, immer wieder betonte, dass er Bayrisch-Deutsche Gebärdensprache verwenden würde. Leider ist bei mir nichts mehr davon hängengeblieben, dabei hatte ich einige Jahre lang zumindest das Alphabet und ein paar Basis-Gebärden noch gut drauf.
Susanne says
Ich dachte mir schon sowas, regionale Unterschiede ergeben eindeutig Sinn. Cool, dass du einen Gebärdensprache-Kurs gemacht hast, das ist auch etwas, das mich interessieren würde. Irgendwann.