As always I had great plans but on the other hand I’m very happy to have taken the weekend off. I need a bit of rest before the upcoming week.
I got up as usual and did things slowly enough that I had to choose between doing yoga and meditating. I chose meditating. Had breakfast, crocheted a bit, read, talked with my husband, actually opened the manuscript, talked with my mother on the phone, did the dishes and chores and then was early enough to try to do some more revision. I went into my studio for that, opened the laptop and – went on social media and researched something my mother had asked me about.
Came back to the kitchen in time to chop some parsley for my very overwhelmed husband:
After lunch I sat around reading, playing games and eating chocolate until 4 or so. The talked with the rest of the family, finally did the lunch dishes and then went to my studio again for attempt number two at novel revision. Well. I ended up watching videos about minimalist packing which is always a sign that I need something soothing.
My head is actually deep in getting ready for my upcoming trip. I will spend most of the day on a train on Saturday.
I did eat some pastries in the afternoon as well, did my weekly check-in with the online writer’s group, at the rest of the bag of potato chips for dinner while talking about politics and the stock market with the boy, talked with husband about the Stratocaster he is modding, planned the week and found that I hadn’t even made a list for the day in my bullet journal, did Duolingo and the other Chinese learning up, started writing this post, watched an episode of „Storm Eye“ while crocheting and drinking a beer and went to bed.
Today will be pretty long, I want to do some form of cardio in the morning, need to take a shower, will teach all afternoon and have micro-coaching in the evening. Banzai!
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