Of course I knew I would have a hard time getting anything done because of that lunch with uncle and aunt but I did skip my morning routine anyway and then had a pastry for breakfast instead of my usual muesli.
Then I spent all morning unable to start anything because I knew I needed to be ready to leave at 12.15. In the end I did manage to mend the jeans I wanted to wear, since I constantly tug on the belt loops because the jeans tend to wander down at one point pulling on the belt loop ripped a hole in the fabric. So that has been mended and reinforced.
Lunch was really nice and I even managed to only talk a lot but not way too much over everyone else.
It was also way too much because my husband really wanted to order appetizers and I had two beers. Then I decided stepping into a grocery store, buying gummy bears and chocolate and eating all of that while still uncomfortably full would be a good idea.
Yeah, it wasn’t.
And in the evening I ate a whole bag of potato chips and had two more beers. Needless to say I have slept better in the past. My sleep app gave me a readiness score of ‘rest’. Yep, that tracks.
The boy and I watched the last episode of ‘Good Omens 2’ and it was really excellent as usual. I can’t wait for the next season. I might even rewatch it alone to savor everything.
Today I really need to turn this weekend around but I fear that will be hard. There will be the weekly phone call with my mother, doing all the dishes (this morning I was greeted by all the dirty dishes the boy had carried upstairs since Thursday), and all the laundry, trying to repair the laser printer, plan the week, finally open the manuscript, do Chinese, not drink anything but water and tea and go to bed on time.
Wish me luck!
I actually talked to my husband about my harebrained plan to maybe do NaNoWriMo again to which he replied that he is trying a new strategy of just not thinking about everything that is upsetting him so, I don’t know?
Doing it would be a dumb idea because what I really should be doing is to finally get book 1 out into the world. There is a part of me that thinks it would be a lot of fun to write that romance novella I’ve been thinking about since last year or so. And since the first in that series runs at 138,000 words (which is way too long for a romance novel) maybe aiming for a novella might give me a nice short 50,000 word novel?
As I said, dumb idea, plus it hinges on my ability to spend about 2 1/2 hours every day with those final revisions. Um, yeah, sure.
Sorry, for being extra talkative, I’m overtired and just thinking out loud.
So I’m hoping we’ll all have a restful Sunday ahead!
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