Well, getting inadequate sleep made me rather slow and unfocused yesterday. Who would have thought?
I did not manage any exercise, no yoga, no morning pages and no meditation. Also no shower, ugh. Oh and no novel revision.
But I did finish cleaning the house, did the usual dishes, a load of laundry, talked with my mother for 45 minutes on the phone and started sorting, weighing and rewinding the acrylic yarn. I do have a lot of leftovers:
I managed to get through about a third so far. I now have a bag with all the blue and blue-green yarn together and a list with the colors I have and how much. I guess it will take about two more hours this afternoon to finish that project.
Yesterday’s lunch looks like leftovers but actually my husband did cook potatoes just so we could have fried potatoes with egg:
Since I was so super tired all day and since that had let to my husband and I bickering all morning we decided to postpone the printer repairs. That kind of thing is stressful enough without one of us being completely fuzzy-brained.
I decided to drink another beer in the evening while watching C-drama, not my best decision ever, I’m thinking that should be it for alcohol so far. Well, until next Saturday when we’ll go out for lunch.
Today is another packed day, I will take a shower shortly, wake the boy up, I need to do revision, go and vote, finish the yarn-sorting and, of course, there is the printer repair. Also laundry and Chinese. And planning the week. So I better get started now.
Meanwhile we’re crossing our fingers that our votes will make a difference.
Konstanze says
“Meanwhile we’re crossing our fingers that our votes will make a difference.”
Jupp, hier auch. Das ist gerade anscheinend alles, was wir noch tun können …