I slept in until 6.30 so no yoga and such. Breakfast with the boy, then breakfast with my husband, dishes that were quick and easy to do because the boy asked me the night before if he should help me do them (I’m very grateful for that).
When I re-folded the crochet blankets on the sofa I saw that there is mold behind the sofa. For now I just moved it away from the wall again. Not good.
I went for my walk/run and it was fun:
Posting these pictures here three times a week makes me feel as if I should buy a new jacket or two because I always wear the same when running.
Then I practiced Chinese and took a shower and my husband made lunch:
It was a bit too al dente but very good. It is very cute how my husband is throwing himself into cooking at the moment. I got him the „Salt,Fat, Acid, Heat“ book for his birthday and he is slowly making his way through it. Not cooking all the recipes but mostly thinking about cooking. And then going through his fat Italian cookbook and marking recipes to cook next.
Then there was teaching with a break in between and a live stream thing and then I started writing this post. Watched two episodes of „The Devil Punisher“, and went to bed way too late again.
Today there will be grocery shopping and teaching and reading. I started reading novels on my phone every time I want to check Twitter or Instagram and that is actually really good.
My life does feel a bit boring at the moment, I don’t write, I don’t sew, I don’t really do anything. But. Tomorrow there will be takeout! And maybe champagne! And on Thursday we’re watching the live stream of an improvisation concert on YouTube!
I take my excitement where I can get it these days.
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