I don’t even want to recount my whole day. Though I have to say I was on a video call-thingy last night and got some very good tips for getting unstuck. Now I just need to find the energy to tackle those.
It was an okay day all in all. There was breakfast (though not for the boy because he woke up late (twice)), walking and running:
Leftover lasagna for lunch:
Washing the dishes, teaching students, finally prepping at least some of my lessons, said video-call-thingy, more internet, starting to write this post, a bit of cheese for dinner and a beer or two.
The boy had the idea that I could switch between English and Chinese subtitles when watching series, that is an interesting idea. We’ll see.
Today there will be the walk to the health food store, if I’m feeling adventurous I will also go to the bakery. I will teach a handful of students. Other than that I’m not sure.
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