So I got my new glasses and I love them!
Woke up around six, rolled out of bed fifteen minutes later, did yoga, meditated for five minutes and didn’t have time for morning pages again. Made breakfast for me and the boy. He hadn’t texted me at 6.10 and so I went upstairs. I was relieved to see him already dressed and only later when he was sitting at the table did I realize that the creases on his hoodie meant he must have slept in his clothes. I hope he won’t make a habit out of falling asleep like that.
He talked to me about the video game he is playing and some things he had learned about tanks and torpedoes, as one does, and toddled off to sit in front of his computer for school.
My husband showed up and had breakfast and we talked while I was working on my crochet blanket. I am in the habit of reading the news about the ‚current situation‘ at that time and I maybe should stop that because these days it kills my mood and motivation completely.
I had plans of starting housework and cleaning early but got sucked into a discussion on Ravelry about fiction writing and marketing and that took me some time. I also felt sluggish and foggy. Just when I was about to start doing the huge pile of dishes from the day before I got a call that my new computer glasses would be ready at noon.
So I did the dishes, the boy helped a bit and treated me to another lengthy conversation. He ended up recommending me a YouTube channel for the third time or so and showed me this video:
By the way I told him that if he ever meets people who don’t exclaim, „Wow, how cool is that!“ when being offered a ten-minute video on how a rice cooker actually works they are probably not his kind of people.
Anyways, I didn’t get much housework done.
I went off to the optician just as my husband came back from his run. My new glasses look almost exactly like my old glasses. The process of getting them fitted was rather interesting, The optician first fitted them with me wearing my mask and then for the last two tries we went outside where I pulled my mask off briefly so he could see the fit properly. By the way, this is the riskiest thing I’ve done in months but he did wear a mask, we were outside and the whole thing probably took less than two minutes.
This is how my new glasses look:
They do make looking at screens much easier, hurray!
Then I went back out to get takeout for lunch:
I also had fried noodles with chicken but I forgot to take a picture. It was extra yummy.
Then the boy talked to me again until it was time for me to teach my first student. After that I looked into some book marketing stuff and changed the sheets on my bed, until it was time for my second student of the day.
After that I finally cleaned the house, wrote an email to a potential new student, taught my third student of the day and started writing this post.
The boy and I watched an episode of ‚Torchwood‘ then I watched some more Netflix, then we talked and talked and talked and I went to bed way too late.
Today there will be running and I’ll plan the next two weeks and hopefully get some other things done as well.
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