And no, I did not celebrate Halloween.
Woke up around six and started reading right away. Guess that’s my new morning routine now. There was breakfast and dishes and conversations with the rest of the family and some crochet.
I went running somewhat too late:
There were quite a few people out there taking advantage of the nice weather.
It was a gorgeous day, sunny and warm and I almost ran all my running intervals.
Came back home to a somewhat stressed out husband. I decided to take a shower first and help him later. That might have been a bit of a mistake. Lunch was 45 minutes late, rather spicy but very good:
I took a little break and then it was time for the virtual knitting meeting for my podcast listeners. It was lovely. There were only seven of us and that was just ideal. I had a lot of fun and I crocheted more of the border on the blanket. Even though I cut my left thumb when helping with cooking. The cut isn’t too bad but it doesn’t like to be soaked in water and I need to take care when crocheting or knitting with it.
After the knitting meeting I watched a little Netflix while eating some potato chips for dinner and then the boy and I watched an episode of Star Trek Enterprise that was actually very good. There were Borg! Frozen in Arctic ice!
Then I sat down and tried finishing the novel-in-progress so that I can start the next one today in time for NaNoWriMo. I didn’t quite manage. So I’ll write some more on that today.
Today there will be lasagna for lunch (that will take all morning to make), the planning for November, maybe a phone call with my mother, more crochet and all the writing I can manage. Oh, and lots of reading, of course.