I wanted to get as much sleep as possible so I set my alarm for 6.30 but woke up twenty minutes early. Found a compelling reason not to do yoga again. I also skipped bodyweight training. Breakfast was great and then I did some more course stuff before my husband showed up.
I was totally set on doing all the cleaning in the morning but somehow didn’t. I did try to solve the annoying problem with my husband’s e-mail address where my provider changed something so that I need to do something that I don’t quite understand so he can continue using it. This was my third try of solving that problem. I will have to make a phone call to support next week.
I did fold all the laundry and hang up a second load, my husband started making pizza and I helped but we still had lunch late. It was totally worth it, though:
In the afternoon I mostly hung around killing time and it took me several hours to realize that I was waiting for the live Q&A in the evening. Dumb.
I got on that Zoom call a little early and while it was nice and informative I didn’t like sitting around listening for that long. I should have taken my knitting.
After that I started writing this post, downloaded yet another book (a free one for a change) and read a bit.
Today there will be running, maybe the rest of the cleaning, maybe the greenhouse repairs but it will probably rain so maybe some indoor maintenance stuff instead. Also, I need to do all the things but I don’t want to. That will be fun.
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