I did that thing again where I turn around once more after the alarm. But I did get up around six. Did yoga and such and had breakfast. And then I actually got myself pull out the novel-in-progress and work a bit on it.
I don’t quite know what to call the thing I’m doing at the moment. I am reading through it on my iPad, Apple Pencil in hand and change things I don’t like while re-acquainting myself with the details of the story. I’m also adding to a list of open questions and things I want to talk about again in this book or the next in series. Let’s all it an editing pass.
I like what I’m reading even if it’s not super good. And I’m having those moments where you read something you wrote some time ago that you had completely forgotten about.
My husband had breakfast. We talked about a lot of things, among them political correctness and gender equality and why I’m thinking a women’s quota is a good thing. He left to get ready for running and I did the dishes. The boy showed up for breakfast. We talked about why we talk about left and right political parties (French Revolution and where parties were seated), Mandarin pronunciation and if there were socialists in the late 18th century. As one does.
Then it was time to go on my own run:
I was supposed to run for two twenty-minute intervals with a one-minute walking break in between. Well. I almost managed the first twenty minutes. Then I walked most of the way back home:
I’m not quite sure if that’s good or not. But hey! Almost twenty minutes.
Back home I took a shower and then helped with making lunch:
First time eating on the porch this year. We had spaghetti with homemade pesto Genovese and a salad.
The boy helped me with dishes again and didn’t really stop talking afterwards until I told him I wanted a bit of alone-time before teaching.
Teaching ensued, this time with all students coming to my studio, I started writing this post, worked a bit on the Affinity Suite course, got ready for bed and that was it. I got to read in bed and turn the lights out early.
Today there will be a walk to the health food store and quite a bit of teaching. And more work on the novel I hope.
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