The day was pretty productive, though, full morning routine and all.
The boy got up early because he went to the climbing gym with his friend. They had fun and his hands are now rather sore. All his calluses are gone, of course.
I did the cleaning, went and got takeout because my husband wanted to spend money instead of time. He went to the nursery and did a lot of work in the garden. There was lunch:
In the afternoon I worked on the podcast and learned about my new camera. I did get the YouTube version patched together with the audio but now I have to cut the audio version again, listen to everything and write show notes. Oops.
Then Voyager, then major procrastination, then dishes and the folding of laundry and the starting of this post. Yeah, I know, I should have done that earlier and have gone to bed on time. Didn’t happen.
For today I’ll just leave the to-do list from yesterday and add running. I want to get the podcast all finished plus write an email to all my students and set up my studio. Yeah, that probably won’t happen.
I really need to get my butt in gear. This isn’t working. Still, progress!