Woke up at 5.17, managed to roll out of bed at 5.42 (no idea why I remember the times), did yoga, meditated for five minutes and wrote morning pages. Made breakfast in time for getting the boy to school on time, boy decided to come down with only ten minutes for eating said breakfast.
Since I expected my husband to be up at 8 I did not look at the novel but instead sat there for half an hour scrolling through social media until he actually showed. Not the best use of my time.
Conversation, dishes, the usual. It was raining like crazy when I went out for my run/walk:
I’m up to four minutes of running and two minutes of walking and I did pretty well.
There weren’t many people out, I think I met one other runner, no dog walkers and my husband in more than an hour:
I came back home, took a shower and helped with making lunch. We had fried zucchini blossoms filled with cream cheese and this time my husband managed to get the ants out, even:
A few days before we threw a couple of blossoms away because we couldn’t get them ant-free. At the moment we have ants all over the annex and, apparently, the zucchini. My husband has been taking measures, though.
As a main course we had kohlrabi, also from our garden. Unfortunately, I didn’t remember to take a picture until I was almost done:
We also ate the leaves and had some green onions to sprinkle on top.
There was almost no time after that until teaching so I did not do the dishes. I taught all the students, all but one in person, and have to say that I really missed making music. When I teach singing lessons, for example, I often accompany the students on the piano or guitar. That is not possible over Skype so we had to resort to karaoke versions of things. Actually making music – even if I’m only playing ‚Old McDonald‘ feeds my soul.
Then lunch, starting to write this post, some spinning while watching Youtube, then the dishes, finally, and off to bed.
Today there will be a walk to the health food store and to the tea shop, food and teaching. I really hope to make some other progress as well, we’ll see how that goes.
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